ICAR (NAAS Rating 5.36 ) Approval No : ID-154 | ISSN No: 2229 -628X (Print) | eISSN - 2582-2683 (Online) | RNI No: UPENG/2006/22736 | UGC Approved Journal | Society Registration No: 131380 | Society ISO 9001 :2015 certified | Certification No. QMS/092020/17596 | PAN regn no. AABAD0614R | PFMS Regn: DKEBVS
Eco-friendly farming is a unique way of doing agriculture. That is use of techniques crop rotation, using green manure, such as vermicompost.
Eco-friendly is the form of doing crop/plant cultivation by using organic manure which are developed by eco-friendly means manures that supports the life of soil and other useful organisms in the soil, mainly produced from Animal Husbandry, Bio fertilizers and biological pest control.

We are the saviours of planet Earth

eco farming



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2nd International Conference on Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Food Science 2024 (ICALF 2024) 22-24 February, 2024

About Us

Doctor’s Krishi Evam Bagwani Vikas Sanstha (Doctor’s Agriculture and Horticultural Development Society)is a Government Registered society with the objective of bringing new Agricultural and Horticultural Technology by ‘Eco-friendly’ approaches. Our society was established in 1999 at Lucknow with an idea of Farmers Field program, Kisan Shiqayat’ & Society Organizes Conferences at National as well as International levels. Later in 2006 society came up with a scientific journal by name of ‘Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture’

Scope and Activities

It has been observed that use of pesticides have been the main mode of control of pests and they are still in use on large scale as preventive and curative measures.Keeping the above in view the above society was started in the year 1999 at Lucknow with idea to educate the farmers for adaptation of modern technology in agriculture. The Society at the initial stage started educating the farmers about the organic farming i.e. use of bio-pesticides, bio-agents and microorganism in pest management and use of farm yard manure, use of vermicompost, biodynamic preparation and other eco-friendly products for sustainable agriculture.

Activities of Society

- Farmers Field program:

In above context this society for first seven years i.e. 1999-2006 devoted most of its time in holding 35 demonstration of eco-friendly methods of control in the field of farm families which includes, Neem products, Alpiniagalanga and appalaud to control insect pests and diseases. The farmers were given training in 100 villages for spreading the technology of eco-friendly organic farming.


Awareness is continuously increasing about the useful role of organic farming all over the world. But farmers in many countries are yet to realize about the ill-effect of modern agricultural practices. Hence the alternative methods of farming particularly organic farming are need of the hour. Thus, use of natural products in agriculture has assumed greater practical importance with the current thrust on environmental safety and sustainability. Statistics make it clear that use of insecticides fungicides, weedicides and chemical fertilizers has increased many fold over the past several year. The indiscriminate use of these chemicals in the crop management is not a solution to sustainable agriculture but has resulted in serious damages to non-target pest, diseases, animals and human being besides killing useful natural enemies of crop pests. They even cause development of resistances among pests and diseases and high residue hazards. This has prompted scientist to look for a fresh approach towards crop management, nutrient management and also to safeguard the ecological balance.

- Editorial scientific Journal:

It is in the year 2006, the society started the Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture where in articles are being published on eco-friendly agriculture. Our Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture is one of its kind in India and is unique giving benefits to farmer’s and scientist’s.



In this journal we are publishing research papers both nationally and internationally on large number of eco-friendly aspects. We are also publishing papers on policy, technology and extension subject.

- Kisan Shiqayat’ (Farmers’s complaint’s) sessions extension Activity:

Under extension program to make available to the farmers the on-spot solution,  Monday and Saturday has been fixed for every week to discuss over phone (0522-2351389) their problem and the solution by renowned experts.

- Society Organize Conferences :

Apart from above programs society keeps itself involve in holding National &International level conference in India every 5 years. Invites delegates from all over India and abroad and convenes a conference.

Ethics (Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture follow’s COPE GUIDELINES)

Ethics is all about the choices we make. We constantly face choices that affect the quality of our lives. We are aware that the choices that we make have consequences, both for ourselves and others. We are aware of the responsibility we have for our actions. We maintain highest ethics possible

- Peer review

Peer reviewers are external experts chosen by editorsto provide written opinions, with the aim of improvingthe study.Working methods vary from journal to journal, butsome use open procedures in which the name of thereviewer is disclosed, together with the full or “edited”report.



Abstracting Agencies

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