ICAR (NAAS Rating 5.36 ) Approval No : ID-154 | ISSN No: 2229 -628X (Print) | eISSN - 2582-2683 (Online) | RNI No: UPENG/2006/22736 | UGC Approved Journal | Society Registration No: 131380 | Society ISO 9001 :2015 certified | Certification No. QMS/092020/17596 | PAN regn no. AABAD0614R | PFMS Regn: DKEBVS

Journal Of Eco -Friendly Agriculture refers & implies to Elsevier -Guidelines for publishers

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Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture provides DOI (Digital Object Identifier), through Crossref. Similarity Check reports for all submissions to our editorial systems.It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher and the society of society-owned or sponsored journals.


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Redundant publication

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  1. COPE Code of Conduct and policies
  2. Elsevier policy
  3. National Academy of Agriculture Science
  4. Indian Council of Agriculture Research
  5. National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR)
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